What does protective guardianship cost?

Dutch rates 2022

Those of us who are not capable of taking care of their own finances, can have their income and expenses managed by a (financial) guardian. With the service of legal administration by registered guardians, Aeslupa will take care of the financial affairs for rights holders. We will bring peace in a practical and humane way in often stressful situations. Protective guardianship does come with expenses. The amounts are set by the Dutch government annually. 

Rates guardianship in NL 2022

Single person legal administration

  • Standard: €125,54
  • Problematic debts: €162.44
  • Start-up costs: €709.06

Two person legal administration

  • Standard: €150,54
  • Problematic debts one person: €172.73
  • Problematic debts, both persons: €194.81
  • Start-up costs: €850.63

Extra activities

  • Hourly rate: €87.36
  • Creating final account and justification single person legal administration: €266.20
  • Creating final account and justification two person legal administration: €319.44
  • Personal budget (PGB) management: €664.29
  • House clearance, sale or move without mentor: €442.86 annual reward

Decreased rate start-up expenses

The start-up expenses are lowered when the guardian has been active as their budget manager before becoming their guardian: 

  • With single person legal administration: €531.19
  • With two person legal administration: €636.46
  • With one of the two-person legal administration: €745.36

Court registry duties 

Guardianship is requested through the district judge. Handling this case will also have some expenses: the so-called court registry duties. Requesting or altering the guardianship will cost €86,- in 2022. 

When a lawyer or notary is involved with the request or the alteration of the guardianship, expenses may also be involved. Make sure you are informed by this by the regarding party. 

The above-mentioned amounts are including VAT


Please do not hesitate to contact us, especially when you have financial concerns. Do not sit on it and contact Aeslupa to ask your question or to share your concerns with us. 

Read more on protective guardianship

On rechtspraak.nl* you can read more about requesting and the expenses of guardianship. The legal determinations around the fees for the guardians can be found online on overheid.nl*. Aeslupa describes what guardianship is in this article, how to request it and whether you are entitled to it. Do you have questions about guardianship and/or your specific situation? Make sure to email us, or call us. We will try and help you without any commitments. 

With budget management, advice and legal administration, Aeslupa helps people with their finances and financial affairs. Aeslupa takes away financial worries in a human way where necessary and supports independence where possible.

*Need help with navigating Dutch websites? Contact us!