Legal administration

Someone who is -due to physical or mental disabilities- unable to take care of ones own finances, qualifies for legal administration (in Dutch: bewindvoering). A certified legal administrator then gets to manage all income and expenses and arranges all financial matters. 

If you can't manage you own finances, there might be different reasons for this. Maybe you are visually impaired, illiterate, suffering from an addiction of mental health problems. There are many situations in which legal administration can be a solution.

When people are unable to take proper care of oneselves or fail to organize their finances, a district judge can decide that protective measures need to be imposed. A curator, mentor or legal administrator is then being appointed to take care of matters. At Aeslupa we have two qualified and legally registered administrators.

Legal administration services are charged conform governmental standards (read more here). If the person concerned is unable to pay the fee of legal administration services, there is a possibility to apply for special wellfare (in Dutch: bijzondere bijstand).

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about finances or questions concerning legal administration.